Applications Of The Technology Used In Aerospace – Know The Basics

If you’re wondering what aerospace is, it’s actually a broad term for the collective effort by the business, engineering and science to fly navigate the Earth’s atmosphere (aeronautics) and (astronautics) outer space. If you’re working in the aerospace sector, you already know that technology used in aerospace is a combination of engineering technology and electronics…

Methods Of Electronic Component Inspection? – Know The Basics

Counterfeit electronic components make their way into different markets everyday but thankfully there are methods through which the government is able to detect incoming counterfeit products. In this article, we’re going to talk about the different methods for electronic component inspection. Electronic components can be tested through DNA marking, which refers to unique marks that…

What Electronic Parts Are In The A380?

Anyone in the aviation business will attest to the fact that the Airbus A380 is among the most modern air planes out there.  But what goes on inside that beautiful piece of machinery? What electronic parts are associated with the Airbus A380, and where can you go to get them?  Well, let’s take a closer…

What are Passive Electronic Components?

A passive electronic component is a component that consumes but does not produce energy and is incapable of power gain and does not require electrical power to operate. They absorb energy without creating any active gain and are present in most electrical items. Examples of passive electronic components are chassis, capacitors, resistors and enclosures. Let’s…

What Are Military Electronics?

Military electronics is a pretty broad topic, and you should know that it covers several different categories. Armed forces take advantage of the latest in high-tech gear in order to gather information, defend itself, and store information. Along with all of these sophisticated machines, they also need qualified technicians who can run them. The US…

All products become obsolete

What is Obsolescence Management?

Everything moves so fast in today’s society, so it is pretty easy to understand the importance of managing risks that may almost seem unmanageable. One of these areas includes understanding the management of those products which may soon become obsolete. It is hard for businesses to invest capital in such necessary items as hardware, software,…